Hello my lovely readers!
I am
beyond sorry for my absence, especially since I was doing the 67 things I wish
I had known at 18!! My schedule with college has been crazy and finals season
doesn’t want to end. So I will be posting the rest of the 67 things as a list!
I’m really sorry again and hope you enjoy it.
13. The world is full of cynics – don’t become one.
14. Stop calling him. Stop texting him. If he wanted you, he’d be
15. Apologize when you’re wrong. Just suck up your pride and do
16. Bellybutton piercings are a bad idea. As are tattoos.
17. No one is perfect. Stop being so hard on yourself.
18. Hug your friends. Cherish them. Hold them tight.
19. Laugh until you cry. Cry until you laugh.
20. Step outside your comfort zone.
21. Order a glass of water with every drink. It’s not lame. It’s smart.
22. A bad hair day really won’t kill you.
23. Dancing on tables should be reserved for special occasions,
like birthdays and Thursday nights.
24. Don’t dumb yourself down for a boy.
25. Ignorance is not bliss. Study. Work hard.
26. Life is hard. Accept this and move on.
27. Don’t sweat the small stuff, but do sweat at the gym. Your
health is your everything.
28. Tell your parents you love them every chance you get.
29. Stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks.
30. Forgive. Life is too short to be angry.
31. You are destined to be more than just someone’s wife. Act like
32. People will hurt you. Don’t stoop to their level.
33. Read a newspaper.
34. Sometimes the only person that you can rely on is yourself.
35. It’s okay if your thighs touch and your tummy isn’t perfectly
toned. You’re still beautiful.
36. Don’t let your happiness depend on another person.
37. Push yourself. You’d be amazed at what you’re capable of.
38. Smile through the tears.
39. Don’t slut shame. Girls have it hard enough – don’t turn on
one another.
40. It’s okay to ask for help.
41. He’ll never change. Let him go.
42. Trust your instincts.
43. Worrying causes wrinkles and Botox is expensive. Calm down.
44. Take pictures. Lots and lots of pictures.
45. Love with everything you have.
46. Put down your phone and look around. Life is happening.
47. Stand up for yourself.
48. Confidence is everything.
49. Wash your makeup off at night. Seriously. Do it.
50. There are bad people in this world. Don’t be one of them.
51. Be honest with yourself.
52. Be honest with others.
53. You never need that last shot of vodka, but have it anyway.
54. There is a man out there who will not make you cry. Wait for
55. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
56. Your success will not be handed to you. Work for it.
57. Don’t waste money on expensive mascaras. Great Lash by
Maybelline will always be the best.
58. Give back.
59. He does not define your self-worth. Stop letting him.
60. Life is uncertain. Tomorrow is not guaranteed; don’t take it
for granted.
61. Your faith in everything you know will be tested. Push
62. Be carefree, not careless.
63. It’s okay to cry.
64. You will fall, both literally and figuratively. Get back up.
65. Tequila is a bad idea, as is getting back together with an ex.
66. Fad diets never work.
67. Be gracious in all that you do.